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Affiliated to University of Kota, Kota
Recognized by Govt. of Rajasthan

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The Institute is located in Dadabari Extension, Kota (Raj.) at a wide spread campus of Modi Education Complex. The Modi Education Complex is situated on a landscape of 10 acre in the center of the city, about 10 kms from Kota Railway Station and 6 kms. from central bus terminal.

Modi Institute of Management & Technology
Modi Educational Complex, Dadabari, KOTA(Rajasthan) - 324009
Contact number: +91-744-2504169,2505421
Web Address: www.modiinstitutionskota.org
Email Address: mimtkota@modiedukota.org

Corporate Office
Modi House, Kotri Rd, Gumanpura, Kota, Rajasthan 324007. India
Contact number: +91-744-2502070, +91-744-2502771
Email Address: info@modieducationalgroup.org